It can be easy to get confused by all the outlandish claims that are made relating to ways you can:

‘Achieve the perfect body in just 90 seconds a day!’

‘Lose as much weight as you want, with our revolutionary program – it doesn’t even require exercise!’

People ask ‘How do I know if what they say is real or not? How do I know if this program that seems too good to be true will actually get me those amazing results?

It’s all about FIDOSAR!

F requency – if you don’t train enough, nothing will happen.

I ntensity – if you don’t train hard enough, nothing will happen.

D uration – if you don’t train for long enough, nothing will happen.

O verload – if you don’t increase the ‘difficulty’ of your sessions over time, nothing will happen.                        The more ‘conditioned/trained’ you are, the more overload you require. We can                               apply overload by adjusting Frequency, Intensity and Duration.

S pecificity – if you don’t train for your specific goal……nothing will happen.

A daption – your body will adapt to the demands you place on it (within reason) – SOMETHING                       will happen! Adaptation will occur in response to Frequency, Intensity, Duration and                      Specificity.

R eversibility – AKA ‘Use it or lose it’ Any gains (or losses) you make will be reversed if you do                         not keep up with your training.

Effective programming involves the manipulation of a number of these variables, and as a general rule, if you can not see evidence of this in your ‘dream program’ the reason is because it is all ‘dream’ and not any kind of effective program.

If you are unsure of how to train effectively, or whether your current program is everything it claims to be, feel free to email or DM us, or check our page to see what we can offer you!

Jay Gee


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